Emotional Health, Mental Health

Dear Wounded Warrior, . . .

You might have lost that battle, but you won the war.  “How so?,” you ask. Well, its quite simple . . . It didn’t kill you, but made you stronger, more discerning and wiser.

Remember, the day you stepped on that battlefield you felt small and unaware of just how hard things would get.  Yet, you fought anyway. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves when facing various trials in life and hoping to progress.  Your trials are like confronting an opponent on the battlefield, whether a loss of job, sickness, self esteem issues, divorce, or any of life’s issues or setbacks.

The day you accepted the challenge, you knew that your opponent was more experienced, had more support, more training, and talked a big talk. Yet, you fought anyway.

 Pick up your sword, gather your armor, put your helmet back on and thank God for each defeating moment that you overcame by learning from mistakes and defeat. Thank goodness for each moment you felt the fear and did it anyway! You might have taken blows today.  If you do not give up, those lessons will prepare you to dodge future swings that were once hard to avoid.

Dear Wounded Warrior, you might have lost that battle, but trust me you have won the war!

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